The perfect luncheon red, something different or memories of travelling around Beaujolais and lunching in Lyon come to mind when Gamay is poured.
After the French the wine enthusiasts of Japan are the largest supporters of Gamay used of course to make Beaujolais.
I am not sure if there have been technical reasons why this variety has not appealed to Australian grape growers though they tend to follow what those in marketing and sales tell them they need. Australia is now a mature wine country so lets just say a hole exists and that is for a range of reds that can be ordered for lunch and drunk into the afternoon on our many perfect summer days.
Varieties like Gamay, Pinot Noir and Dolcetto and those varietal crosses developed long ago by our plant breeders at the CSIRO are ideal for this job.
This Gamay is a first for Glug and if your mind wanders to far off travels then this is ideal.